Daily Announcements
February 10th - 14th
Friday, February 14th
Tonight is the Holy War on the hardwood. Come out and cheer on the Knights as they take on St. Joe. We are also celebrating 3 basketball legends tonight as we retire the jerseys of Demetrius Jackson, Devin Cannady and Jaden Ivey. Come early and be loud!!!!
Students- please make sure you bring your student ID to get into the game tonight!!!
Creative Writing Club meets today in room 218.
Attention Raffle sellers! Don't forget to come to the BCAC during your lunch hours for our valentine's dessert party!!
Marian's Mid-Winter at Morris Park will now take place from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Please note the details below:
- Doors open at 5:30 PM
- Dance starts at 6:00 PM
- Event ends at 9:00 PM
- Students must arrive no later than 7:15 PM unless they have prior approval, via parent notification, from Mrs. Fransted or Mr. Dainty due to dinner plans or participation in a sporting event.
- Students may only leave before to 9:00 pm with prior approval, via a parent request, from Mrs. Fransted or Mr. Dainty
Additionally, we understand that weather conditions can sometimes be unpredictable. If you feel your child’s safety is at risk due to the weather and plan to keep him or her home, please contact us regarding a refund.
Mia Comaeu, Consuelo Bueno and Ana Terrance please see Milena at the main school doors.
Thursday, February 13th
Students who brought in raffle tickets on Tuesday - remember you earned a dress down day for tomorrow and a valentine's dessert tailgate party during lunch! See your email for specifics. If you sold a ticket online, stop by the Mission Advancement Office with any questions on if the ticket could be counted yet.
Please congratulate Alex LaCava, Preston Manzuk, and Caden Garza on qualifying for Semi State Wrestling this Saturday at East Chicago HS.
Creative Writing Club meets this Friday in room 218.
Euchre Club will meet in room 114 immediately after school Thursday.
Wednesday, Friday 12th
Musical rehearsal after school today, and the parent meeting scheduled for tonight are canceled.
Creative Writing Club meets this Friday in room 218.
Euchre Club will meet in room 114 immediately after school Thursday.
Sadd Club will meet today afterschool (about 20 minutes) we will be having a Zoom meeting with Janet.
Are you a 21st century scholar senior who will be attending IUSB? Stop by counseling for information on the group's scholarship opportunity available to you. Application deadline is April 15th.
Tuesday, February 11th
Creative Writing Club meets this Friday in room 218.
Track practice today after school and parent meeting to follow.
Sadd Club will meet tomorrow afterschool (about 20 minutes) we will be having a Zoom meeting with Janet.
Are you a 21st century scholar senior who will be attending IUSB? Stop by counseling for information on the group's scholarship opportunity available to you. Application deadline is April 15th.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Friday, February 7th
Attention baseball players: reminder to be in the BCAC at 8:30am tomorrow to help clean up the gym.
Remember to take your raffle tickets home and sell them this weekend! The 1st turn is on Tuesday! If you have any questions see Mrs. Dillon or Mrs Ravotto.
Attention all Scholastic winners! This Saturday at 10:30 am is the awards ceremony at the Century Center. Please plan on attending to receive recognition and view the Amazing Art Show on display. Again this saturday at 10:30am at the century center
Are you a 21st century scholar senior who will be attending IUSB? Stop by counseling for information on the group's scholarship opportunity available to you. Application deadline is April 15th.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Thursday, February 6th
Attention varsity cheerleaders! Mrs. Kindig has your gift bags. If you would like to pick yours up, please do so after school in room 212!
French club will be meeting today, after school at room 123. There will be snacks, pick a treat for French club members and games to celebrate le jour de saint valentin! New members and friends are welcome to join.
Announcement: Because of today's weather delay, the next Knights of Columbus club meeting will be Thursday, February 27, during homeroom. Club members should check their email for information on the Polar Plunge fundraiser taking place on February 22.
REMINDER: If you drive to school and were issued a parking pass, please park in the lot you were assigned. There were a limited number of parking spots issued to SENIORS in the south lot and those are taken. Everyone else is permitted to park in the north parking lot and if you park somewhere else you could lose your parking privileges. If you need a parking pass please see Mrs. Nitz for a form.
Attention all Scholastic winners! This Saturday at 10:30 am is the awards ceremony at the Century Center. Please plan on attending to receive recognition and view the Amazing Art Show on display. Again this saturday at 10:30am at the century center.
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
We will not have Coffee Cart tomorrow due to whatever is going around. Coffee Cart will be back on the 14th. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Track this evening is from 5:30-6:30pm.
Wednesday, February 5th
- Mass in the Chapel
- Spirit Knight Dance in gyms
- NHS in the Cafeteria
- 21st c. scholars in LFL
- Aviation in 229
- Olympiad in 103
Spirit Knight Dance practice today in the BCAC IF your permission slip is already turned in or you have one with you today!
ISSMA Solo & Ensemble to the music room today.
Tabletop Gaming Club will NOT be meeting this week. We will resume next Thursday.
The following girls need to stop by Coach Stop's Room 207 before you leave school today - Jemma Borst, Elizabeth Ortiz-Gonzalez, Anali Miramontes, Leighanna Queen, Jennifer Tran, Kimberly Lopez, Mia Mireles, Theresa Reynolds, Kimberly Zempoaltecatl, Sophia Garatoni, Lilly Meier
The Library will be closed today after school for the Science Fair. Yes, that’s right—your favorite spot for procrastination will be off-limits! Stay tuned for the location of tutoring, and remember, science is all about experimenting… just not with your grades!
REMINDER: If you drive to school and were issued a parking pass, please park in the lot you were assigned. There were a limited number of parking spots issued to SENIORS in the south lot and those are taken. Everyone else is permitted to park in the north parking lot and if you park somewhere else you could lose your parking privileges. If you need a parking pass please see Mrs. Nitz for a form.
Attention all Scholastic winners! This Saturday at 10:30 am is the awards ceremony at the Century Center. Please plan on attending to receive recognition and view the Amazing Art Show on display. Again this saturday at 10:30am at the century center
French club will be meeting this Thursday, tomorrow, after school at room 123. There will be snacks, a movie, pick a treat for French club members and games to celebrate le jour de saint valentin! New members and friends are welcome to join.
Two days left, don't' miss your chance,
Get your ticket for the Dance!
Room 203, don't delay,
Lunch time or after school today.
Hurry up, time's ticking fast,
Get your tickets, make it last.
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are TODAY afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Tuesday, February 4th
There will not be NHS tutoring in the library this afternoon. The Library will be your study haven from 3:00 to 3:40 PM, then it will temporarily close. But fear not! Mr. Dainty will have it back in action by around 4:15 PM. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
This Wednesday, the Library will be closed after school for the Science Fair. Yes, that’s right—your favorite spot for procrastination will be off-limits! Stay tuned for the location of tutoring, and remember, science is all about experimenting… just not with your grades!
Attention all Scholastic winners! This Saturday at 10:30 am is the awards ceremony at the Century Center. Please plan on attending to receive recognition and view the Amazing Art Show on display. Again this Saturday at 10:30am at the Century Center.
Two days left, don't' miss your chance,
Get your ticket for the Dance!
Room 203, don't delay,
Lunch time or after school today.
Hurry up, time's ticking fast,
Get your tickets, make it last.
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
NHS Meeting will be tomorrow, Weds, 5 Feb during Home Room in the cafeteria. There will NOT be an afternoon meeting this month!!!
Kain Rohn and Grace Nelson please see Milena in her office.
Monday, February 3rd
Lucas Mar please stop by the front Entry Office.
This Wednesday, the Library will be closed after school for the Science Fair.
Yes, that’s right—your favorite spot for procrastination will be off-limits!
Stay tuned for the location of tutoring, and remember, science is all about experimenting… just not with your grades!
Science Olympiad competed at their regional qualifier over the weekend at IU Northwest. Out of a total of 21 schools, Marian finished 7th. This placement punched our ticket to the State Finals, which will take place on April 5 at Purdue Northwest.
Notable placements from the competition:
Will Stapleford and Austin Kiefer placed 6th in Bungee
Michelle Dew and Austin Kiefer placed 5th in Helicopter
Isabella Giglio and Jayden Chase placed 5th in Optics
Isabella Giglio and Landon Sundt placed 2nd in Robot Tour
Isabella Giglio and Maureen O'Connor placed 1st in Write It, Do It
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Three days left, don’t wait too long,
Get your ticket, join the fun!
Room 203, come on down,
Lunchtime or after school, we’re around!
Hurry, hurry, don’t miss the show,
Tickets are waiting, come and go!
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
January 27th - 31st
Friday, January 31st
Juniors: Check you email for information about setting up a college counseling meeting with Ms. Dolezal
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Buy your Mid Winter tickets during lunches or after school in room 203! But hurry- the last day to buy is Wednesday, Feb 5th. Get Ready to dance, laugh, and make memories that will last! Come join the fun, get your tickets today!!! Tickets are $30 (or $32 if you’re paying by credit card). Don’t miss out on the fun!
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Ryan Rowland, please stop by the Business Office today.
Thursday, January 30th
Juniors: Check you email for information about setting up a college counseling meeting with Ms. Dolezal
Mr. Andrzejewski's 9th hour College Credit Biology class should bring workbooks and lab binders to class today.
Attention Baseball Players, the practice plan for tonight is Freshman and Sophomores from 4:30-6:00 and Juniors and Seniors from 6:00-7:30.
Need a dress -- Payton's Closet is open again in Mrs. Bailey's Room 137 after school. Come in and take a dress to give it another dance. It is self serve, just leave the area neat; and leave the hanger if you take a dress.
Track: Attention track athletes! We have practice on Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at BCAC. See you there!
Boys Volleyball: Attention boys interested in playing volleyball! There will be a practice today from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at BCAC.
MidWinter: The wait is over—it's time to get your Mid-Winter Dance tickets! The sophomore class will be selling tickets during lunch, or you can grab yours after school in Room 203. Tickets are $30 (or $32 if you’re paying by credit card). Don’t miss out on the fun!
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Euchre Club will meet in room 114 after school today.
Wednesday, January 29th
Track: Attention track athletes! We have practice on Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at BCAC. See you there!
Boys Volleyball: Attention boys interested in playing volleyball! There will be a practice this Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at BCAC.
MidWinter: The wait is over—it's time to get your Mid-Winter Dance tickets! The sophomore class will be selling tickets during lunch, or you can grab yours after school in Room 203. Tickets are $30 (or $32 if you’re paying by credit card). Don’t miss out on the fun!
NHS members
Home Room Tutoring is resuming.
Sign up in the NHS Classroom on the Classwork page.
All Science Olympiad team members MUST come to homeroom in room 103 today.
Do you want to audition for the upcoming musical, "Back to The 80s", but aren't sure what to do? Do you want an opportunity to hone your skills and do as AMAZING as possible? Then come to the meeting TODAY after school in the music room for a two hour audition prep! We will be discussing how to read a script for the first time without ever seeing it before, the songs we will sing for the audition, and so much more! This is not a mandatory meeting for anyone who wants to audition, but it can surely help if you want to gain a little knowledge about auditioning.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
IUSB is hosting OnSite Admissions on Wednesday, February 12, from 9-11am. During this appointment, their admissions counselor will be reading your application and giving you your admission decision. If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you will receive a $500/year Titan Scholarship! If this is something you want to do, come by the Counseling Office for an application and an appointment time.
Today at Homeroom is the last OPEN Homeroom Spirit Knight Dance! After today, you must have your permission slip turned in and your name will be given to Homeroom Teachers to be dismissed for all future Homeroom practices.
Euchre Club will meet in room 114 after school Thursday, January 30th.
Tuesday, January 28th
Track: Attention track athletes! We have practice twice this week—today and Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at BCAC. See you there!
Boys Volleyball: Attention boys interested in playing volleyball! There will be a practice this Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at BCAC.
MidWinter: The wait is over—it's time to get your Mid-Winter Dance tickets! The sophomore class will be selling tickets during lunch, or you can grab yours after school in Room 203. Tickets are $30 (or $32 if you’re paying by credit card). Don’t miss out on the fun—
Homeroom: Sadd Club will meet in 203 during homeroom on Wednesday.
NHS members
Home Room Tutoring is resuming.
Sign up in the NHS Classroom on the Classwork page.
Do you want to audition for the upcoming musical, "Back to The 80s", but aren't sure what to do? Do you want an opportunity to hone your skills and do as AMAZING as possible? Then come to the meeting after school Wednesday, January 29th, in the music room for a two hour audition prep! We will be discussing how to read a script for the first time without ever seeing it before, the songs we will sing for the audition, and so much more! This is not a mandatory meeting for anyone who wants to audition, but it can surely help if you want to gain a little knowledge about auditioning.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
There will be no baseball weights after school today. We will resume on Thursday at our regular time.
Mock Trial meets today from 3-4:30.
Marian Parents and Students are invited this evening at 6PM to an informational meeting about a possible International trip to Peru in the summer of 2026. Your teacher was given fliers which have an RSVP scan code. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
Monday, January 27th
Track: Attention track athletes! We have practice twice this week—Tuesday and Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at BCAC. See you there!
Boys Volleyball: Attention boys interested in playing volleyball! There will be a practice this Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at BCAC.
MidWinter: The wait is over—it's time to get your Mid-Winter Dance tickets! The sophomore class will be selling tickets during lunch, or you can grab yours after school in Room 203. Tickets are $30 (or $32 if you’re paying by credit card). Don’t miss out on the fun—
Homeroom: Sadd Club will meet in 203 during homeroom on Wednesday.
NHS members
Home Room Tutoring is resuming.
Sign up in the NHS Classroom on the Classwork page.
Do you want to audition for the upcoming musical, "Back to The 80s", but aren't sure what to do? Do you want an opportunity to hone your skills and do as AMAZING as possible? Then come to the meeting after school Wednesday, January 29th, in the music room for a two hour audition prep! We will be discussing how to read a script for the first time without ever seeing it before, the songs we will sing for the audition, and so much more! This is not a mandatory meeting for anyone who wants to audition, but it can surely help if you want to gain a little knowledge about auditioning.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
Congratulations to the following students who placed at the Notre Dame Fighting Irish Science Olympiad Invitational this past Saturday.
Michelle Dew and Austin Kiefer -3rd place in Helicopter
Wedson Shoue and Austin Kiefer - 2nd place in Wind Power
Landon Sunday and Isabella Giglio - 1st place in Robot Tour
Olympiad team members can pick up scoresheets in room 103 anytime today.
Due to its immense popularity, the Library will be closed during periods 7/8. This means only the lucky students assigned to the room and classes accompanied by a teacher get to enjoy its cozy corners and bookish wonders. Thank you for your understanding.
January 22nd - 24th
Friday, January 24th
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
All Research students going to judge at CHrist the King today remember to leave by 12:10. If you normally have 8th lunch, you must eat during 6th lunch today.
All Science Olympiad members are reminded to be at Jordan Hall at Notre Dame by 7 am tomorrow. Be sure to have all of your materials with you.
Do you want to audition for the upcoming musical, "Back to The 80s", but aren't sure what to do? Do you want an opportunity to hone your skills and do as AMAZING as possible? Then come to the meeting after school Wednesday, January 29th, in the music room for a two hour audition prep! We will be discussing how to read a script for the first time without ever seeing it before, the songs we will sing for the audition, and so much more! This is not a mandatory meeting for anyone who wants to audition, but it can surely help if you want to gain a little knowledge about auditioning.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
Come help decorate the halls for Catholic Schools Week on Sunday! Stop in from 1:00-4:00 or stay the whole time to have fun, enjoy snacks and help make your hall awesome!
Attention Knights for Life who attended the March! Stop by Mrs. Redinger's office today between classes or after school to sign thank you notes and get a treat!
JV and Varsity basketball players, please stop by the Main Office after school for a treat before tonight’s big game. GO KNIGHTS, BEAT the WILDCATS!
Be sure to come out and support our hockey team this weekend. This is the last weekend of regular season play! Games are tonight against Penn at 6:45 and then Saturday night at 6:45 against Adams. Both games are at the IceBox and admission is free!
Due to its immense popularity, the Library will be closed during periods 7/8. This means only the lucky students assigned to the room and classes accompanied by a teacher get to enjoy its cozy corners and bookish wonders. Thank you for your understanding.
ReplyReply allForward
Thursday, January 23rd
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
After school tutoring resumes this week in the Library Monday through Thursday from 3:15 to 4:00. Two teachers as well as NHS students are available daily to assist with homework or reviewing for tests. We need NHS students to step up and choose one day per week to tutor. Even if no one needs your help on any particular day, you will have the opportunity to get a head start on your own homework! Don't wait until it is too late and you are failing one or more classes. Please take advantage of this opportunity early in the semester when you can still make a difference in your own grades or support one of your peers!
Attention seniors who are applying to a trade or apprenticeship program: please be aware of your program's deadlines. Many applications are open now and have up coming deadlines. Please go to the counseling office if you have further questions.
Detention will be in Mr. Porter’s room- RM 116 today after school.
There is a New Teacher meeting in the Library today after school and the library will close at 3:45. NHS tutoring will take place in Room 101. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Any girls interested in playing soccer next season should come to a meeting by Athletics today at 3:45.
Grab your Boombox, Rubik's Cube, and jump in the Delorean to head
Back to the 80's, our Spring Musical. Auditions are February 5th afterschool. Information packets are available in the Main Office for anyone interested in participating on stage or behind the scenes.
Sacramental Prep Celebration for Sydney and Aisha’s confirmation in Mr. Holloway’s room (RM 202) today, during homeroom.
Attention juniors that identify as Latino, a representative from the Indiana Latino Institute will be visiting our school on Wednesday, February 19th from 2-3pm to give a college and career presentation. Please see Mrs. Martinez or Ms. Dolezal if interested. You must RSVP through SCOIR.
The Marian Swim Team won their double dual meet against Oregon Davis and East Chicago Wednesday night! The Knights took first and second place in three events. Peter Scarlett and Matthew Berzai finished first and second in the 50 free. Anna Pairitz and Ali Syer finished first and second in the 100 fly. Victoria Garcia and Grace Zentz finished first and second in the 100 back. Other individual winners were: Ike Vangel in the 200 and 500 free, Ryan Mahan in the 100 back, Victoria Garcia in the 500 free, Grace Zentz in the 200 IM, Peter Scarlett in the 100 breaststroke, and Alison Clauss in the 200 free and 100 breaststroke. The girls 200 free relay team of Anna Pairitz, Zosia Kosel, Ali Syer, and Victoria Garcia took first place. The boys 200 free relay team of Ryan Mahan, Matthew Berzai, Ike Vangel and Reid Molnar won their event. Our 400 free relays also took first place. Grace Zentz, Alison Clauss, Zosia Kosel, and Ali Syer won the girls 400. Peter Scarlett, Ike Vangel, Jake Molnar, and Reid Molnar won the boys 400 relay. Congratulations on a great meet swimmers!
Wednesday, January 22nd
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
After school tutoring resumes this week in the Library Monday through Thursday from 3:15 to 4:00. Two teachers as well as NHS students are available daily to assist with homework or reviewing for tests. We need NHS students to step up and choose one day per week to tutor. Even if no one needs your help on any particular day, you will have the opportunity to get a head start on your own homework! Don't wait until it is too late and you are failing one or more classes. Please take advantage of this opportunity early in the semester when you can still make a difference in your own grades or support one of your peers!
Attention seniors who are applying to a trade or apprenticeship program: please be aware of your program's deadlines. Many applications are open now and have up coming deadlines. Please go to the counseling office if you have further questions.
The girls swim team competed at the NIC meet over the weekend. Victoria Garcia placed 7th in the 200 free, and 6th in the 500 free. Grace Zentz placed 7th in the 100 backstroke. The 200 free relay of Grace Zentz, Allison Clauss, Victoria Garcia, and Lilly Malinowski placed 7th overall. Congratulations swimmers!
Students with detention to serve. There will be detention Thursday afternoon only this week. Students will be given an extended deadline to next Thursday because of the short week.
There is a New Teacher meeting in the Library Thursday after school and the library will close at 3:45. NHS tutoring will take place in Room 101.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Any girls interested in playing soccer next season should come to a meeting by Athletics tomorrow at 3:45.
January 13th - 17th
Friday, January 17th
We will have a makeup spirit wear day on Tuesday, January 21st. Students can wear uniform bottoms with Marian spirit wear or rep a college of your choice.
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
After school tutoring resumes this week in the Library Monday through Friday from 3:15 to 4:00. Two teachers as well as NHS students are available daily to assist with homework or reviewing for tests. We need NHS students to step up and choose one day per week to tutor. Even if no one needs your help on any particular day, you will have the opportunity to get a head start on your own homework! Don't wait until it is too late and you are failing one or more classes. Please take advantage of this opportunity early in the semester when you can still make a difference in your own grades or support one of your peers!
Dodgeball is coming next week! Grab six friends and sign up your team during lunch! Tournament takes place in the BCAC at 3:30 pm on Tuesday Jan 21. Winners earn points for your team - white or blue!
Baseball Players: reminder that we have open gym on Monday, January 20th from 2-4.
Attention seniors who are applying to a trade or apprenticeship program: please be aware of your program's deadlines. Many applications are open now and have up coming deadlines. Please go to the counseling office if you have further questions.
Wednesday, January 15th
On account of the Bishop’s visit Friday, Friday will be a regular uniform day. We will make up the spirit day Tuesday, January 21st. Students can wear uniform bottoms with Marian spirit wear or rep a college of your choice.
Juniors: Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation today at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
Mock Trial practice will be on Thursday for 3 to 4 in room 117. All members are expected to be in attendance-no exceptions!!
After school tutoring resumes this week in the Library Monday through Friday from 3:15 to 4:00. Two teachers as well as NHS students are available daily to assist with homework or reviewing for tests. We need NHS students to step up and choose one day per week to tutor. Even if no one needs your help on any particular day, you will have the opportunity to get a head start on your own homework! Don't wait until it is too late and you are failing one or more classes. Please take advantage of this opportunity early in the semester when you can still make a difference in your own grades or support one of your peers!
Dodgeball is coming next week! Grab six friends and sign up your team during lunch! Tournament takes place in the BCAC at 3:30 pm on Tuesday Jan 21. Winners earn points for your team - white or blue!
The swim team had a great meet against Riley High School Tuesday night. First place winners were Grace Zentz, Anna Pairitz, Alison Clauss, Lilly Malinowski in the 200 medley relay, Emily Snider in the 200 free, and Grace Zentz in the 100 back. Marian also took first and second in both the girls and boys 50 freestyle races. Grace Zentz and Lilly Malinowski took first and second in the girls 50, Patrick Monnier and Matthew Berzai took first and second in the boys 50. Many Marian swimmers also had PRs. Aislyn Bayleat in the 100 free and 100 breastroke, Anna Pairtiz and Ryan Mahan in the 100 free, and Ike Vangel in the 100 backstroke. Congratulations swimmers!
Tuesday, January 14th
Juniors: Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
Marian Fencing Club has gone Medieval! Come to our first meeting on TODAY from 3:10 to 3:45 in room 124 for more information.
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those who want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive the form in their email.
Mock Trial will practice tonight, Tuesday, and Thursday for 3 to 4 in room 117. All members are expected to be in attendance-no exceptions!!
After school tutoring resumes this week in the Library Monday through Friday from 3:15 to 4:00. Two teachers as well as NHS students are available daily to assist with homework or reviewing for tests. We need NHS students to step up and choose one day per week to tutor. Even if no one needs your help on any particular day, you will have the opportunity to get a head start on your own homework! Don't wait until it is too late and you are failing one or more classes. Please take advantage of this opportunity early in the semester when you can still make a difference in your own grades or support one of your peers!
Monday, January 13th
Juniors: Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
Marian Fencing Club has gone Medieval! Come to our first meeting on Tuesday 1-14 from 3:10 to 3:45 in room 124 for more information.
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
Congratulations to bowlers - Brianna Greenlee and Kyle Hennings who advanced to Regionals. Also, congratulations to Brady Harrison who was the Sectional Champion and also advances to the Regionals.
There are Midwinter permission slips in the main office and attendance office for those that want to bring a guest from another school to the dance. Students will also receive them in their email.
January 6th - 10th
Friday, January 10th
Juniors: Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
Intramural Basketball begins this Sunday from 6-8 PM in the main & BCAC gyms. Stop by Mr. Daher’s office to pick up your team form.
Marian Fencing Club has gone Medieval! Come to our first meeting on Tuesday 1-14 from 3:10 to 3:45 in room 124 for more information.
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
What's a great activity for a cold winter weekend?? Supporting the Marian hockey team!! Come out and cheer on the team - Saturday against Valpo at 6:45 at the Ice Box and Sunday against Adams at 6 pm at Notre Dame's Compton Ice Arena. And as always - admission is free!
Thursday, January 9th
Students still wanting to change their schedules for this semester, please be mindful that all meetings with your counselor must take place by TODAY, to discuss any changes. If you have any paperwork and/or fee that needs to be turned in for semester change requests, please make sure that it is turned in to the Counseling Office by this Friday, January 10, 2025, by noon.
Juniors: Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
ALL Science Olympiad Team Members MUST attend homeroom practice in room 103 for all homerooms from now until competition. We only have 3 weeks. New info is on the Google Classroom.
Intramural Basketball begins this Sunday from 6-8 PM in the main & BCAC gyms. Stop by Mr. Daher’s office to pick up your team form.
Attention Students! It’s time to face the music! Detentions are being handed out 10th hour for all those long overdue library items from last semester. Don’t want to do the time? Then return those books! Remember, a book returned is a detention avoided!
Euchre Club will meet Thursday right after school in room 114. Snacks will be provided!
Marian Fencing Club has gone Medieval! Come to our first meeting on Tuesday 1-14 from 3:10 to 3:45 in room 124 for more information.
Mock Trial team will practice afterschool today. All meetings until the competition are mandatory!!
Calling all 2025 France and England Travelers:
YOUR SIGNED BEHAVIOR FORMS and roommate request forms are due to Mrs. Hamann by Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Also, please work on getting the colored copies of your passport to her by January 17th.
Wednesday, January 8th
Students still wanting to change their schedules for this semester, please be mindful that all meetings with your counselor must take place by this Thursday, January 9, 2025, to discuss any changes. If you have any paperwork and/or fee that needs to be turned in for semester change requests, please make sure that it is turned in to the Counseling Office by this Friday, January 10, 2025, by noon.
Students in Mr. Donndelinger's 1st Semester aviation class, please meet in Room 237 today to review your final exam and then explore our flight simulator.
Wednesday, Jan 8 Sadd Club Room 203
Thursday, Jan 8 Sophomore Class Officers Room 203
Spirit Knight Dance practice is in the BCAC today during Homeroom. Come check it out and help your team win!
Any boys interested in playing golf this spring, please stop by Coach Stop's room, 208, for a brief meeting after school today.
Seniors: Don’t forget to attend the Financial Aid Info Night and FAFSA workshop on Wednesday starting at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
ALL Science Olympiad Team Members MUST attend homeroom practice in room 103 for all homerooms from now until competition. We only have 3 weeks. New info is on the Google Classroom.
National Honor Society will meet TODAY during HOMEROOM in the cafeteria or in RM 101 at 3:10pm. Please plan to attend one of those meetings.
Intramural Basketball begins this Sunday from 6-8 PM in the main & BCAC gyms. Stop by Mr. Daher’s office to pick up your team form.
Attention Students! It’s time to face the music! Detentions are being handed out 10th hour for all those long overdue library items from last semester. Don’t want to do the time? Then return those books! Remember, a book returned is a detention avoided!
Euchre Club will meet Thursday right after school in room 114. Snacks will be provided!
Marian Fencing Club has gone Medieval! Come to our first meeting on Tuesday 1-14 from 3:10 to 3:45 in room 124 for more information.
Tuesday, January 7th
Any boys interested in playing golf this spring, please stop by Coach Stop's room, 208, for a brief meeting after school today.
Seniors: Don’t forget to attend the Financial Aid Info Night and FAFSA workshop on Wednesday starting at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
Save the date for the Kickoff to College Presentation on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 in Marian's Cafeteria.
ALL Science Olympiad Team Members MUST attend homeroom practice in room 103 for all homerooms from now until competition. We only have 3 weeks. New info is on the Google Classroom.
National Honor Society will meet Wednesday, January 8th during HOMEROOM or in RM 101 at 3:10pm. Please plan to attend one of those meetings.
Intramural Basketball begins this Sunday from 6-8 PM in the main & BCAC gyms. Stop by Mr. Daher’s office to pick up your team form.
Attention Students! It’s time to face the music! Detentions are being handed out 10th hour for all those long overdue library items from last semester. Don’t want to do the time? Then return those books! Remember, a book returned is a detention avoided!
Monday, January 6th
Tomorrow’s the Day – Track Practice Starts!
Ready, set, go! Tomorrow, January 7, 2025, is the first track conditioning day! Whether you're sprinting, jumping, or throwing, we’ve got something for EVERYONE!
Where: Main Gym
When: 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Get ready to jumpstart the season with us and kick off the year strong! Track is about building speed, strength, and stamina, and we want YOU to be part of the fun!
Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, there's a spot for you!
See you tomorrow!
Congratulations to Lilly Anderson placing 1st and Baya Braden placing 3rd at sectionals this past weekend. Come support them as they advance to regionals this weekend.
Previous Weeks